

• 中国特色文论话语体系研究 •    下一篇



  1. 福建社会科学院
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:管宁,文学博士,福建社会科学院研究员,博士生导师,主要从事中国现当代文学、大众文化与文化产业研究。
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The Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Creation Culture

Guan Ning   

  1. Fujian Academy of Social Sciences
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Guan Ning, Ph. D., is a research fellow of Fujian Academy of Social Sciences. He is mainly engaged in studies on modern and contemporary literature and arts, popular culture and cultural industry.
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摘要: 造物文化是相对于精神文化而存在的人类文明重要组成部分,在国家形象塑造中具有举足轻重的作用。中华传统造物文化内涵深厚、特色鲜明,曾以其杰出的造物智慧在世界文明史上产生了深刻而巨大的影响。近代以来,随着西方工业革命和工业化进程的加速发展,中华造物文化因错失新的产业革命和文明形态转化机遇,逐步被西方国家超越。改革开放以来,中国加快了工业化、现代化进程,带来制造业的全面复苏与振兴,迅速赶上当代造物的世界步伐,并逐步从中国制造向中国创造转化。重振中华造物文化,使之在21世纪丝绸之路乃至全球再创辉煌,必须继承优秀传统造物文化和精神文化精髓,吸取外来造物文化营养,密切跟踪当代新技术、新材料、新技艺发展,突破造物域限,开拓造物空间,科学转化创新,将中华造物文化提升到一个新境界,与此同时,还要用中华造物讲好中国故事,铸就中国品牌,构筑中国价值与国家文化发展软实力。

关键词: 造物文化, 国家形象, 丝绸之路, 造物美学, 创新性转化

Abstract: As an integral part of human civilization relative to spiritual culture; creation culture plays an important role in national image building. With profound heritages and distinct features; Chinese traditional creation culture; with its outstanding creation wisdom; has exerted a deep and great influence on the history of world civilization. In modern times; with the accelerated development of Western industrial revolution and industrialization; Chinese creation culture was gradually surpassed by Western countries because China missed the opportunities offered by the new industrial revolution and the transformation of civilization forms. Since the reform and opening-up; China has accelerated industrialization and modernization; bringing about an overall recovery and revitalization of its manufacturing industry; and has thus rapidly caught up with the world's advanced level of creation and transformed step by step from "Made in China" to "Created in China". To revitalize Chinese creation culture and restore its glory on the Silk Road of the 21st century and even in the whole world; China must inherit the essence of its excellent traditional creation culture and spiritual culture as well as draw on foreign creation cultures. China needs also closely follow the development of new technologies; new materials and new techniques in contemporary times; in order to break through boundaries of creation and scientifically transform the innovative results to upgrade Chinese creation culture to a new level. At the same time; China should also tell good Chinese stories with Chinese creations; create strong Chinese brands; and develop Chinese values and soft power based on national cultural development.

Key words: creation culture, national image, the Silk Road, creation aesthetics, innovative transformation
