

• 专题:古代诗歌的叙事传统研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:李翰,文学博士,上海大学文学院副教授,主要从事晋唐文学与文论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Evolution of Narration and Lyricism and Changes in Five-Character Poetry

Li Han   

  1. Shanghai University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Li Han, Ph. D., is an associate professor at Shanghai University. His research focuses on the history of poetry and poetics from the Jin to the Tang dynasties.
  • Supported by:
    Major Project by the National Social Science Fund (15ZDB067) ; he Pu Jiang Talent Plan (18PJC057)

摘要: 五言诗由汉末发轫,民间乐府叙事诗得风气之先,且产生了不少优秀的故事诗。文人五言诗兴起后,抒情逐渐压倒叙事。文人的文化传统与知识素养,又使得辞章、藻饰较方便地参与抒情,辞藻的中心色彩逐渐显现。随着抒情诗情感力度的消弱,辞采更为凸显。两晋南朝,诗歌的事、情等内容层面都进一步乏弱,藻采上升为诗歌最重要的艺术追求。文学自觉的深化,具体落实为对文学形式美的追求。正是在叙事——抒情——藻采这一发展路径中,声律作为形式美的极致,顺势而生。审视汉魏至六朝五言诗的演变轨迹,叙事、抒情的消长,作为原动力,对文学史的重要作用,有必要引起充分注意。

关键词: 叙事, 抒情, 五言诗, 汉魏, 南朝

Abstract: Because of the birth of five-character poetry at the end of the Han dynasty, the folk yuefu narrative poetry led the trend and produced many excellent story poems. When literati five-character poetry rose, lyricism gradually overwhelmed narration. With their cultural training and knowledge cultivation, literati brought poetry and prose as well as embellishments into lyricism; as a consequence, rhetoric gradually emerged as a central element of poetry. As the emotional strength of lyric poetry decreased, literary grace became prominent. In the Jin dynasties and the Southern dynasties, both the narrative and emotional aspects of poetry further weakened, whereas a flowery writing style rose as the supreme artistic pursuit of poetry. The deepening of literary consciousness was concretized as the pursuit of formal beauty. In this development path, starting from narration, going to lyricism, and ending up with a flowery style of writing, rhythm became the ultimate symbol of formal beauty. When surveying the evolution of five-character poetry from the Han and Wei dynasties to the Six dynasties, it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of the waxing and waning of narration and lyricism as a primary impetus to literary history.

Key words: narration, lyricism, five-character poetry, the Han and Wei dynasties, the Southern dynasties