

• 专题:古典诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:娄林,哲学博士,中国人民大学文学院讲师,主要从事西方思想史研究。

Hölderlin and the Destiny of Germany

Lou Lin   

  1. the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Renmin University of China
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Lou Lin, Ph. D., is lecturer at the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Renmin University of China. His research focuses on the history of western thoughts.

摘要: 荷尔德林的诗歌可以理解为他对康德哲学的意义和可能性的回应,他所创造的诗歌有两个目的,一是构造并传达启蒙哲学神话,二是塑造一个民族神话:让德意志成为哲学民族。正是在这个根本意义上,海德格尔才会把荷尔德林视为领会此在本质的德意志诗人。《许佩里翁》之所以以希腊为哲学开端,是因为希腊人对整体或者“一”的哲学规定,但希腊人的哲学思考必须经过康德哲学所养育的荷尔德林的消化,才能创造新的哲学民族——德意志,这就是荷尔德林的德意志命运。而这一命运是否能够成功,首先取决于他启蒙人性的努力是否成功。但是,既然是重塑的自然,就至多是“第二自然”,而非自然之为自然本身。

关键词: 哲学, 启蒙, 荷尔德林, 康德, 海德格尔

Abstract: Hölderlin's poetry can be understood as his response to the meaning and possibility of Kant's philosophy. He writes poetry for two main purposes: to construct and convey the myth of enlightenment philosophy, and to form a national myth: making Germany a nation of philosophy. It is in this fundamental sense that Heidegger regarded Hölderlin as the unique Germany poet who understands the essence of Dasein. Herperion regards Greece as a philosophical origin because the Greeks had a philosophical regulation on the concept of "whole" or "one"; but only when Hölderlin, nurtured by Kant's philosophy, digests the Greek's philosophical thinking can he conceive the new philosophy nation: Germany, or, the destiny of Germany conceptualized by Hölderlin. The realization of this destiny depends on a successful enlightenment of human nature. However, since it is a reinvention of nature, it is at most a "second nature", not "nature" in itself. Hölderlin's poetry can be understood as his response to the meaning and possibility of Kant's philosophy. He writes poetry for two main purposes: to construct and convey the myth of enlightenment philosophy, and to form a national myth: making Germany a nation of philosophy. It is in this fundamental sense that Heidegger regarded Hölderlin as the unique Germany poet who understands the essence of Dasein. Herperion regards Greece as a philosophical origin because the Greeks had a philosophical regulation on the concept of "whole" or "one"; but only when Hölderlin, nurtured by Kant's philosophy, digests the Greek's philosophical thinking can he conceive the new philosophy nation: Germany, or, the destiny of Germany conceptualized by Hölderlin. The realization of this destiny depends on a successful enlightenment of human nature. However, since it is a reinvention of nature, it is at most a "second nature", not "nature" in itself.

Key words: Philosophy, enlightenment, H?lderlin, Kant, Heidegger