
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 66-79.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王长华, 赵棚鸽   

  1. 河北师范大学;洛阳理工学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-22
  • 作者简介:王长华,华侨大学特聘教授,河北师范大学教授,主要从事先秦两汉文学研究。 赵棚鸽,文学博士,洛阳理工学院副教授,主要从事先秦两汉文学研究。

The Disintegration and Reconstruction of the "Value" in the Study of The Book of Songs in the Twentieth Century

Wang Changhua, Zhao Pengge   

  1. Hebei Normal University; Luoyang Institute of Technology
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-10-22
  • About author:Wang Changhua is a distinguished professor of Huaqiao University and a professor of Hebei Normal University. His main research interest is literature and culture of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties. Zhao Pengge, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Luoyang Institute of Technology. His main research is literature and culture of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties.

摘要: 辛亥鼎革之前,《诗经》一直以经学面目出现,清末以前学者始终关注的都是《诗三百》中的价值问题。至章太炎以《诗》为史,始将经学一变而为史学,成为《诗经》学价值被解构的开始。此后,胡适等新一代学人视《诗经》为史料,经学价值被进一步解构。同样由胡适倡导而获“古史辨”派助推的《诗经》文学化解读在1930年代走进歌谣化。至闻一多以西方理论为标准的《诗经》研究的出现,《诗经》文学化解读基本定型。1980年代出现的以“文化”为号召的《诗经》研究,其实是起于文学又最终获得文学首肯的。回望百年《诗经》学,可以看出,彻底瓦解《诗经》经学的道德价值而将其引入历史、史料和文学,从一开始就存在诸多问题。然而今天《诗经》学回归纯粹经学研究既无可能,也无必要,而以文学理解为前提,同时部分肯定诗教传统中的价值期许,或可成为今后《诗经》学努力的方向。

关键词: 《诗经》, 经学价值, 史学与史料, 瓦解, 重建

Abstract: Before the Revolution of 1911, the study of The Book of Songs always appeared in classicism, which means that before the end of the Qing dynasty, scholars paid attention to the issue of value in it. When Zhang Taiyan took The Book of Songs as history, he initiated a shift from classicism to history, marking the beginning of deconstructing the value of The Book of Songs. Since then, a new generation of scholars such as Hu Shi regarded The Book of Songs as a historical material, and its value as a Confucian classic was further deconstructed. The literary interpretation of The Book of Songs, also advocated by Hu Shi and promoted by the "Ancient History Discrimination" School, became more obsessed with treating the songs as ballads in the 1930s. The literary interpretation became established when Wen Yiduo applied Western theories to the study of The Book of Songs. The focus of study in the 1980s was "culture", but actually it stemmed from literature and eventually won the approval of literature. Looking back at the study of The Book of Songs in the past century, we can see that to completely dismantle the moral value of The Book of Songs by connecting it to history, historical materials and literature was problematic in the very beginning. However, it is neither possible nor unnecessary for the study of The Book of Songs to return to pure Confucian classicism; rather, to take literary understanding as a precondition, and partially affirming the value of traditional didacticism by poetry, might be a reasonable direction for the future study of The Book of Songs.

Key words: The Book of Songs, value as a classic, history and historical materials, collapse, reconstruction