
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 140-147.

• 专题:近现代戏曲学术史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海戏剧学院
  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:李伟,上海戏剧学院教授,主要研究领域是戏剧理论与批评、20世纪中国戏剧研究。
  • 基金资助:

A Differentiation and Rectification on "Modern Xiqu"

Li Wei   

  1. Shanghai Theatre Academy
  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Li Wei is a professor at Shanghai Theatre Academy. His research interests cover theory and criticism of drama, Chinese theatre in the 20th century.
  • Supported by:
    the Major National Social Sciences Art Foundation (16ZD03), the National Social Sciences Art Foundation (2015BB02775) , and the Shanghai Peak and Plateau Discipline Construction Project (SH1510GFXK)

摘要: “现代戏曲”这一概念在今天有三种用法:1.从时间上看,指现代时期的戏曲;2.从题材上看,指表现现代生活的戏曲;3.作为一个文体概念和文化概念,指具有现代性品格的戏曲。这三种用法都各有适用范围,但前两者往往忽视现代性精神内涵。关于现代戏曲的现代性,吕效平先生在强调其现代精神的同时,亦强调其“情节整一性”的文体原则,傅谨先生则在忽视其固有的“启蒙话语”的同时,强调技术的成熟及由此而产生的自律性、平民化。然而,无论文体原则还是技术手段,都只是“现代戏曲”的充分条件而非必要条件。“现代戏曲”是现代人改编与创作的具有现代精神、表达现代观念的戏曲。

关键词: 现代戏曲, 情节整一性, 现代性, 技术, 启蒙话语

Abstract: The concept "modern xiqu" is used usually in three senses: First, it refers to all xiqu works of the modern period; second, it refers to some xiqu works that depict modern life; third, as a theatrical and a cultural term, it covers works with the quality of modernity. These meanings apply to different fields, but both the first and the second overlook the connotation of modernity. When discussing the modernity of "modern xiqu", professor Lü Xiaoping emphasizes both modern spirit and the dramatic principle of "the unity of plot", and professor Fu Jin emphasizes virtuosity and the subsequent self-discipline and popularity. This article argues that both the dramatic principle and virtuosity are only sufficient conditions but not necessary conditions of "modern xiqu", because its core is modern spirit and idea. In a word, "modern xiqu" refers to xiqu works adapted and created by modern dramatists with modern spirit and idea.

Key words: modern xiqu, the unity of plot, modernity, virtuosity, enlightenment discourse