
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 152-162.

• 美学与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 加拿大卡尔加里大学英文系
  • 出版日期:2016-07-25 发布日期:2017-09-29
  • 作者简介:谢少波,《国际英语文学评论》深资主编,任教于加拿大卡尔加里大学英文系,讲授当代西方文学理论、后殖民文学和翻译理论。先后在New Literary History, Cultural Critique, Boundary 2, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Neohelicon, Semiotica, Science & Society, China Perspective, International Social Science Journal, and Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies等学术杂志上发表论文。近期发表的著作有《讲真话与弘道:内圣外王的悖论和中国知识分子》(《跨文化对话》)、《翻译与普世概念的政治》(《亚太翻译与跨文化研究》)、《翻译与转换:后现代理论在中国的传播和运用》(《国际社会科学学刊》)、《世界已去中心化?从后殖民视角看全球化》(收入《全球文学理论》,劳特利奇出版)、《另类立场:文化批判与批判文化》(南京大学出版社)和《对后殖民的深思》(《国际英语文学评论》创刊40周年专辑,与王宁合编)。

Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Translation

Xie Shaobo   

  1. the Department of English at University of Calgary
  • Online:2016-07-25 Published:2017-09-29
  • About author:Xie Shaobo teaches literary theory, postcolonial literature, and translation theory in the Department of English at University of Calgary. He is Senior Editor of ARIEL: A Review of International English literature. His articles have appeared in journals such as New Literary History, Cultural Critique, Boundary 2, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Neohelicon, Semiotica, Science & Society, China Perspective, International Social Science Journal, and Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies. Among his recent publications are "Tao, Parrhēsia and the Chinese Intellectual" (Cross-Cultural Dialogues), "Translation and the Politics of the Universal" (APTIS), "Translation and Transformation: Theory in China and China in Theory" (ISSJ), "Is the World Decentered? A Postcolonial Perspective on Globalization" (included in the Routledge anthology Global Literary Theory), Other Positions: Cultural Critique and Critical Culture, and Thinking through Postcoloniality (ARIEL 40th anniversary special issue coedited with Wang Ning).

摘要: 当下世界依然充斥着各种形式的仇外现象,对文化与民族“他者”的敌意、我们-他们的对立情绪,以及民族中心主义的傲慢。正是对这一迫切情状的反应,世界主义与文化翻译在全球范围内被争论、接纳,无论是在各种学术论坛、会议还是学术专刊上。本文通过两部世界知名小说,即钦努阿·阿切贝的《瓦解》与恩古吉.瓦.提安哥的《界河》来探究世界主义与文化翻译问题。本文揭示了世界主义读者如何通过文化翻译来理解或认识文学中的普适性在不同文化中的独特表现。如果世界依然是各种形式的民族中心主义和帝国主义的舞台,那么世界主义读者与文学文本之间的这种遭遇就是人文领域美学教育至关重要的内容。本文的结论是,如果作为一系列价值观念和理念/想的世界主义与作为去普适性观念有效方法的文化翻译是文学与美学研究的中心问题,那么,每一种阅读行为与每一处表征场域都对将助益不同文化之间的包容、尊敬与接受。

关键词: 世界主义, 文化翻译, 普适性文化, 包容

Abstract: The global present remains saturated with various forms of xenophobia, hostility towards cultural and ethnic others, us-versus-them feelings, and ethnocentric arrogance. It is in response to such an exigency, to which one cannot respond, that cosmopolitanism and cultural translation are being globally debated and embraced at various intellectual forums, academic conferences, and in various journal special issues. This paper explores the issue of cosmopolitan cultural translation through the lens of two world-famous novels: Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between. It illustrates how the cosmopolitan reader, by way of cultural translation, perceives or recognizes culture-specific articulations of the universal staged in literature. Such encounters between the cosmopolitan reader and the literary text, the paper argues, are an essential part of aesthetic education in the humanities when the world continues to be the theatre of various forms of ethnocentrism and imperialism. The paper concludes that, if cosmopolitanism as a set of values and idea(l)s and cultural translation as a productive method of decolonizing the concept of universality are a central concern of literary and aesthetic studies, then every act of reading and every site of representation will contribute to cultivating intercultural tolerance, respect, and acceptance.

Key words: Cosmopolitanism, cultural translation, universality culture, tolerance