
文艺理论研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 205-213.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 巴黎第四大学
  • 出版日期:2015-03-25 发布日期:2015-06-17
  • 作者简介:张博,法国巴黎第四大学法国文学博士,主要从事二十世纪法国文学研究。

More Than Being Alive: On Albert Camus' Works of Absurdity from the Perspective of the Consciousness of Absurdity

Zhang Bo   

  1. University of Paris IV (Paris 75004, France)
  • Online:2015-03-25 Published:2015-06-17
  • About author:Zhang Bo is a Ph.D. of French literature in University of Paris IV (Paris 75004, France), with research focus on the 20th-century French literature.

摘要: 从创作伊始,加缪便将“荒诞意识”视为一个起点。由此出发,加缪通过其一系列创作,努力回答“生者何为”的问题,探索拥有“荒诞意识”的人究竟怎样才能在这荒诞的世界中生活下去并最终重塑生活。这一系列思路,在他早年的“荒诞系列”中便已经充分表现了出来。通过《局外人》与《卡利古拉》,加缪分别描绘了“荒诞意识”可能导致的虚无与专制,而在《死之幸福》与《西西弗斯神话》中,“荒诞意识”则通向自我对人间幸福的追寻。本文的目的即在于细致分析加缪的这一创作线索,继而展现加缪早期作品中所蕴含的振奋人心的文字力量以及他对人间与人类的悲悯情怀。

关键词: 加缪, 荒诞, 荒诞意识, 人间幸福

Abstract: From the beginning of his writing career, Albert Camus had taken "the consciousness of absurd" as his fundamental guideline. Through a series of works, he explored how human-being with that consciousness lived in the absurd world and how they tried to redefine their meaning of life with their own forces. In L'Etranger and Caligula, Camus portrayed a picture of nihilism and despotism resulted from the consciousness of absurdity, while in La Mort heureuse and Le mythe de Sisyphe the same consciousness had led to the pursuit for happiness in the human world. This essay charts the trajectory of Camus' creative guideline and exposed the enlightening power and his sympathy towards mankind in his early works.

Key words: Albert Camus, absurdity, consciousness of absurdity, worldly happiness