
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 95-102.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中国语言文学系
  • 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2014-01-22
  • 作者简介:徐俪成,复旦大学中国语言文学系古代文学专业博士研究生,主要方向为唐宋文学。

The Construction of Refined-Vulgar Ci-Poetry System in the Northern Song Dynasty with Liu Yong as a Benchmark

Xu Licheng   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University
  • Online:2013-09-25 Published:2014-01-22
  • About author:Xu Licheng is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University (Shanghai 200433, China) with research focus on Chinese ancient literature, especially literature in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

摘要: 词在北宋之前只是一种曲艺,多为遣兴所作,属于低俗文学。北宋士大夫被词的艺术潜力所吸引,力图使它登堂入室,变成适合士大夫创作的文体。在这个将词高雅化、合法化的过程中,柳永的词起到了奇特的作用。北宋士大夫通过词学评论,将本属于词体本身的“媚俗”的特征变成了以柳永词为代表的“俗词”的特征,并借助与柳永词作的对比,建构出适合士大夫创作的“雅词”概念。经此过程,进入了词作领域的士大夫阶层便不需再时时为这一文体“俗”的特征而苦恼,对柳永词“俗”的评价,反倒成为了让词逐渐脱离“俗”的标签,变为高雅艺术的重要环节。

关键词: 柳永, 士大夫, 雅词-俗词体系, 词体地位

Abstract: Before the Song Dynasty, Ci-poetry was a form of ballad singing, often having an impromptu nature, and therefore it was regarded as a genre of lowbrow literature. Later, scholar-officials in the Northern Song Dynasty were attracted by the new form and tried to make it a literary form to entertain their taste and talent. During the process of legitimization and canonization, Liu Yong, as a representative popular Ci-poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, played a uniquely important role. Scholar-officials identified vulgarity as the characteristic of Liu's ci-poems as they mostly belonged to the popular lowbrow lyrics. The scholar-officials then benchmarked on Liu's work and constructed a style of ci-poetry with a refined taste. Hence, with the concept of refined ci-poetry established, scholar-officials entered the arena of ci-poetry without bothering about the lowbrow status. The negative evaluation of Liu's ci-poetry became an important moment for ci-poetry to evolve into a refined genre in Chinese literary history.

Key words: Liu Yong, scholar-official, the refined-vulgar Ci-poetry system, Ci-poetry's genre status