
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 24-30.

• 专题:中国理论问题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 陕西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-05-25 发布日期:2013-06-25
  • 作者简介:李西建,陕西师范大学文学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事文学理论、美学理论及文化批评的研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Production of Thought and the Knowledge Innovation of Literary Theory

Li Xijian   

  1. Shaanxi Normal University
  • Online:2013-05-25 Published:2013-06-25
  • About author:Li Xijian is a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, with major academic interests in literary theory, aesthetics theory and culture criticism.

摘要: 从思想生产的角度探讨当前文学理论的知识创新,是一个具有学理深度与当代意义的学术话题。思想的生产作为价值和意义的创造,它对知识的创生与发展具有重要的奠基作用及规导性价值,亦符合文学理论作为人文学科的内在特质与规定。文学理论在其现代品格的形成中,思想性的主导性存在及其生产得到越来越广泛的理论认同,甚至成为其知识创新的依据与发展方向;文学理论在思想的生产的内涵方面有其特殊的规定与面向,它以人文价值和美学思想的创造为核心,进而揭示文艺现象所承载的审美含量与意义深度,促进社会审美文化的进步与人的内在提升。作为对文学现象与经验进行价值阐释与审美判断的学科,文化诗学理论构成文学理论思想生产的独特范型,值得深入研究和探索;就我国文论的当代发展与建设而言,有效提升其思想生产的质量,深入反思长久以来当代文论所存在的问题,从更深层面推进知识生产的良性发展,既极为重要,又相当迫切,成为文学理论知识创新的关键所在。

关键词: 思想生产, 知识创新, 人文价值, 美学思想

Abstract: To investigate the knowledge innovation of contemporary literary theory from the angle of thought production may bring about profound academic implications. The production of thought creates value and meaning and is fundamental in creating knowledge. It also responds to the intrinsic qualities and rules of the literary theory as a discipline of humanities. As literary theory takes on more modern characteristics, the dominant presence and the production of intellectual thoughts in literary theory are being increasingly recognized and are even taken as the reason and aims for knowledge innovation. As a discipline that makes value interpretation and aesthetic judgment on literary phenomena and experience, cultural poetics is a unique mode in the production of literary theoretical thought, which requires further research and exploration. One important issue for the knowledge innovation in contemporary Chinese literary theory is to improve the quality of the produced intellectual thoughts by tackling the long-standing problems in contemporary literary theory.

Key words: the production of intellectual thoughts, knowledge innovation, humanistic values, aesthetic ideas