
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 145-164.

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  1. 华东师范大学政治学系
  • 出版日期:2013-03-25 发布日期:2013-05-01
  • 作者简介:约瑟夫·格雷戈里·马奥尼,博士,华东师范大学政治学副教授,近作包括《科学与社会》《马克思主义再思考》《马克思主义与现实》以及《中国译者》等。

From "和" to There: Marxist Hermeneutics with Chinese Characteristics

Josef Gregory Mahoney   

  1. Faculty of Politics, East China Normal University
  • Online:2013-03-25 Published:2013-05-01
  • About author:Josef Gregory Mahoney, Associate Professor of Politics at East China Normal University. Recent publications have appeared in Science & Society, Rethinking Marxism, Marxism and Reality, and Chinese Translators, among others.

摘要: 本文立论的出发点是马克思按生产方式划分的历史阶段划分法与福柯的认识论分期法下的知识型阶段的综合,在此基础上再结合杰姆逊有关意识形态要素的论述。杰姆逊可见的理论弱点是,对于那些若非乌托邦也起码是积极的元素未加论述,而这些元素或许对解构或拆解历史进程中的意识形态要素具有工具价值。本文进而提出,其未加论述之理论进途或许能成为既是超认知的又是超历史的具体的普遍。我们有理由认为要在中国语言与哲学传统内部寻求具体的普遍。本文所基的理由包括本雅明“意象辩证法”的观念构想,最终落实到作为中国理想的“和”的概念。这一运思带来一个饶有趣味的论点。当代中国官方思维和宣传中的“和”正是意识形态要素的典范。本文认为这绝非巧合,反而能打开一系列具有建设性的批判性讨论。目前,意识形态要素可说是正在一个新转向的边缘,这样的讨论尤其能触及当前的意识形态要素。

关键词: 马克思主义阐释学, 辩证法, 历史主义, 认识论,

Abstract: We begin by synthesizing Karl Marx's historical periods qua modes of production with Michel Foucault's epistemological periodizations — epistemes, which we then combine with Fredric Jameson's work on ideologemes. Jameson's acknowledged weakness is a failure to address those positive if not utopian elements that might be instrumentally valuable for deconstructing or disassembling ideologemes in the course of historical progress. We then argue that such alternatives would be, ideally, concrete universals (具体的普遍), and would be both trans-epistemic and trans-historical. We then provide several reasons why it seems reasonable to search for the concrete universal par excellence within Chinese linguistic and philosophical traditions. For a number of reasons, including Walter Benjamin's ideation of the "dialectical image," we settle on the Chinese concept of harmony (和) as the ideal example. This brings us to an interesting point. It turns out that the ideologeme par excellence of the current official Chinese thought and propaganda is also 和. We argue this is no coincidence, and, it opens up a number of critical and positive discussions, particularly on the edge of the current episteme, i.e., when we are, arguably, on the edge of a new epistemic shift.

Key words: Marxist hermeneutics, dialectics, historicism, epistemology, harmony