
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 105-109.

• 现当代文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山西师范大学戏曲研究所;山西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2012-05-25 发布日期:2012-08-31
  • 作者简介:梁晓萍,山西师范大学戏曲研究所博士生,山西师范大学文学院副教授,文艺学专业,主要从事文学理论基本问题及戏曲理论研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Predicament of Literary Theory Teaching in the Era of Pictorial Reading and Its Solutions

Liang Xiaoping   

  1. the Opera Research Institute of Shanxi Normal University; College of Liberal Arts of Shanxi Normal University
  • Online:2012-05-25 Published:2012-08-31
  • About author:Liang Xiaoping is a PhD student at the Opera Research Institute and an associate professor in College of Liberal Arts of Shanxi Normal University, with research interests covering literary theory and opera theory.

摘要: 读图时代文学理论教学正在遭遇的困境是多方面合力的结果:电子媒介下的文学情状复杂多变,远远超出现有文学理论的解释范围,文学理论因其滞后性难与当下的文学实践达成共识,也难以为当下的受众所接受;九零后的经典文本阅读体验严重缺乏,理解上的贫血导致文学理论教学出现了沟通上的短路。同时,此起彼伏的西方文论因缺少中国语境而与中国文学现状常常错位、中国古代文论价值被遮蔽、意义被误读等现象也造成了文学理论教学的短路。要走出困境,目前最具有可操作性且最谨慎的做法是:在辩证理解图像文本与书面语言文本各自优长的情况下,与学生一起进入古今中外的优质文本,品尝和体验不同时代不同人群的生命感悟,在此基础上理解文学表达的独特性规律。除了改变学生的知识结构以应对文论教学的困境外,实现古代文论的现代转换、西方文论与中国语境的有机相融,扭转文论教材的本质主义倾向,最终使文学理论自身更具有接地性也是走出文论教学困境非常重要而有效的途径。

关键词: 读图时代, 文学理论, 教学, 困境, 路径

Abstract: The predicament of literary theory teaching in the era of pictorial reading results from many respects. Literature environment in the electronic media has far exceeded the explanation scope of existing literary theory, and a gap also exists between literary theory and recent literature practice among contemporary audience. The general decline of reading and understanding classic texts among readers born after the 1990s leads to the failure of communication in the teaching of literary theory. At the same time, more work still needs to be done in the recontextualization of both Western theories and Chinese classical literary theories into contemporary Chinese reading and interpretation context. The paper proposes that a feasible way to solve the predicament is to integrate selected high-quality texts into the reading scope of contemporary students, while taking into consideration the representational strengths of visual text and verbal text. The paper also proposes that transformative modernization of ancient literary theory, integration of Western literary theory into Chinese context, and de-essentialization of teaching materials are possible ways to get out of the current predicament of teaching literary theory.

Key words: era of pictorial reading, literary theory, teaching, predicament, approaches