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The Extension of Value in Literary Classics: A Case Study of Mark Twain's "Running for Governor"

Liu Lili   

  1. the School of Literature, Nankai University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Liu Lili is a professor in the School of Literature, Nankai University, with main research interest in literary theory and criticism.
  • Supported by:
    the MOE Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research(15JZD039) .

Abstract: Based on the priority of "internal value" in the genesis of a text's value, this article studies the extension of value in literary classics and its pattern. As can be seen in the Chinese translation of Mark Twain's "Running for Governor" and its diachronic generation of meaning, a regular pattern of meaning generation in literary classics can be found via dialectic discussion: literary classics always release their "internal value" in accordance with the authors' ideal appeal and "initial readers'" pursuits, which lays the foundation for subsequent extension of meaning. Furthermore, this article has found, during the extension of value in literary classics, special phenomena inexplicable by current literary theories. First, subsequent meaning occurs in different contexts and times by transcending and extending the meaning conceived by "initial readers" and authors, which features development instead of contradiction. Second, the generation of meaning goes beyond the boundary of textual meaning, shifting its focus from the text per se to the context of individual experience. Such a departure from the internal textual features and prescription defines this special phenomenon. From the analysis of these phenomena, a principle is presented to examine how the value of literary classics is extended by preservation and conversion from a grand historical perspective, which is key to understanding the popularity and unpopularity of literary classics and temporary absence of their educational functions.

Key words: literary classics, the extension of value, internal value, genesis of meaning, "Running for Governor"