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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art

• Issue in Focus: Media Poetics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mediated Subjectivity: Reflections on and Reinterpretations to Discourse of Post-human Subject

Shan Xiaoxi   

  1. the Department of Humanities, Hangzhou Normal University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Shan Xiaoxi, Ph. D., is a professor at the Department of Humanities, Hangzhou Normal University, with research that focus on the literary theory, new media literature and art theory.
  • Supported by:
     the major project of National Social Science Foundation (18ZDA282), and the National Social Science (18BZW008)

Abstract: Discourse of post-human subject is formed in the process and context of of reflecting on and criticizing the discourse of modern subject. In this regard, the "Cyborg" discourse of subject, informationalism discourse of subject and "universal-vitality" discourse of subject can be seen as the representative forms of discourse of post-human subject in Western countries. When it comes to the reflections on problems related to solipsism, autonomy and modern subject of possession, discourse of post-human subject has made some achievements. However, there are still some limitations which are respectively the subject concept of adherent entity, the relationship mode between the subject and the object, residual anthropocentrism and so on. This paper has put forward the "mediated subjectivity" discourse which aims at providing a new explanation for post-human subject. Mediated subjectivity discourse takes the mediated "Cyborg" life forms as the material basis. The mediated "Cyborg" is in the basic structure as "individual (body-consciousness)–media–identity". Mediated subjectivity is specially presented as active connection, inviting, gathering, tolerance, interacting with the outside world, joint, infusing and other features. Furthermore, mediated subjectivity also practically realizes the communication between the subject and the world, as well as the existing forms of post-human subject which are intertwined and infused with one another.

Key words: mediated subjectivity, post-mankind, cyborg

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