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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 69-74.

• Symposium: Chinese Discourse in Literary Theory of the Last Hundred Years • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Construction of Literary Theory Centered on Literary Criticism

You Xilin

  1. the School of Literature, Shaanxi Normal University
  • Online:2015-05-25 Published:2015-07-10
  • About author:You Xilin is a professor at the School of Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, with research focus on aesthetics and literary theory.

Abstract: The crisis of contemporary literary theory does not lie in literary theory itself or in its logic; instead, it is a structural crisis rooted in the divorce between theory and literary experience. Compared with the effort to re-establish the fundamental link between literary theory, criticism and experience, the debate over the theories between Chinese and the Western and between the classical and the contemporary does not hold much significance. Literary criticism connects literary theory and experience as it is not only the hinge between them but also the essential measurement to evaluate the crisis of literary theory. The construction of literary theory centered on literary criticism means that literary theory should change its closed self-reproduction and stop its one-dimensional regulation of literary criticism and experience, doing away with the scientific logic of deduction which takes literary experience and literary criticism as evidences. In the meantime, literary criticism must avert from the pre-modern moral doctrines and promote its theoretical reaches to explore the theoretical practice. When the knowledge system of theory is vitalized through literary criticism, a hermeneutic field of the humanities may thus be formed, in which literary experience and literary concepts are well integrated. This formation may become both a new phase of literary theory development and allow for a new mode of literary theory teaching and research.

Key words: literary theory, literary experience, literary criticism, the humanities, the crisis of literary theory