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The Literati Purport of Jiazhuan and Theoretical Reflection on Its Ideas of "Using Literature as Play"

Huang Xiaoju, Zhao Weiguo   

  1. the School of Humanities and Communications at Shanghai Normal University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Huang Xiaoju is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Humanities and Communications at Shanghai Normal University. Her main research interest is fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Zhao Weiguo is a professor in the School of Humanities and Communications at Shanghai Normal University. His research interest includes ancient Chinese novels and ancient Chinese philology.
  • Supported by:
    the Shanghai Peak Discipline Construction Project on Chinese Language and Literature

Abstract: A relatively independent type of ancient Chinese prose, jiazhuan was biographies written anthropomorphically for objects. Han Yu's Biography of Mao Ying written in the Tang dynasty marked the beginning of jiazhuan, followed by numerous parodies in the Song and Ming dynasties. Such prose, written by the literati at leisure for entertainment, embodied their refined aesthetic taste. This article argues that jiazhuan was an expression in the form of games, which displayed writers' talent. Thus perceived, just like "writing is for conveying truth", "using literature as play" became an important and necessary literary stance for the literati to divert themselves from loneliness or boredom at their leisure time.

Key words: Jiazhuan, using literature as play, talent-displaying writing, Biography of Mao Ying