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Differentiation and Reconstruction of Value: Function and Value Orientation of Literary and Art Criticism in the New Era

Jiang Shuzhuo, Li Shi #br#   

  1. the Chinese Department at Ji'nan University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Jiang Shuzhuo, Ph.D., is a professor in the Chinese Department at Ji'nan University, with academic interest in the study of literary theory, relations between literary and culture, cultural industry, etc. Li Shi is a Ph.D. candidate in the Chinese Department at Ji'nan University, with academic interest in the study of cultural theory and criticism.
  • Supported by:
    "the 13th Five-Year Plan" Project of Guangzhou Philosophy and Social Sciences in 2018 (2018GZWTZD06)

Abstract: The absence, aphasia and weakening of literary and art criticism are not only related to the strong influence of marketization and western theories, but also rooted in value differentiation in the process of modernization. Xi Jinping's series of speeches on literary and art work have provided an important opportunity of constructing value of literary and art criticism in the new era. Criticism in the new era should function to improve people's aesthetic quality and cultivate modern personality. And value orientation of criticism shall be people-oriented, firmly confident in China's history and cultural traditions, and adhering to the principle of aesthetics.

Key words: literary and art criticism in the new era, value orientation, literary work symposium, cultural confidence